On March 4, 2024, Hivi Volunteer Team collaborated with a group of young individuals from Shikhan to host a unique two-day training event aimed at promoting Peaceful coexistence, dispelling harmful stereotypes, and fostering a culture of tolerance in society.
Using a modern approach, the team guided participants towards peaceful coexistence and the importance of tolerance.
The training was well-organized and well-attended, with a diverse range of youth engaging in creative focus groups that utilized cutting-edge communication techniques and active listening skills.
Participants were motivated to engage effectively with others and create spaces for constructive dialogue.
The training content was carefully crafted to emphasize Peaceful coexistence and tolerance in the area, leveraging modern technology to present engaging and diverse topics, enhancing the effectiveness and inspiration of the sessions.
This initiative showcases the dedication of Hivi Volunteer Team and local youth to building a community grounded in values of coexistence and tolerance, fostering mutual understanding and respect among different religions and cultures in the area.
Following the training, local authorities in the Shikhan expressed their appreciation and support for such civic initiatives that promote harmony within the community.
It is important to note that this training was organized by the Hivi Volunteer Team in collaboration with Peace and Freedom Organization (PFO), with support from the Search for Common Ground organization (SFCG) under the participatory grant-making in JISRA (PGM in JISRA).