In collaboration with the United Planet organization, Peace and Freedom Organization (PFO) organized a virtual graduation ceremony for the students who participated in the virtual exchange program for 7-weeks. Special guests attended the event, including three social enterprises such as (Kurdistan Tourist) a business from Kurdistan Region, and (Fully games) which is another business from USA, also (WECO Africa) an African business.
The director of the United Planet organization and the Representative of PFO welcomed the attendees and thanked those, who actively participated in the program and also the Mentors, Lead Faculties, and the Social Enterprises who eagerly supported the program to achieve its goals.
The participants of the program then presented their final projects, which focused on fostering sustainable and inclusive economic development through youth-led social entrepreneurship and address economic challenges and drive positive change in Iraq and USA communities.
Then Both organizations gave a short speech and shed light on the importance of this type of programs for building cultural bridges between Iraqi and American youths. Additionally, the participants of the program at the end shared their opinions and how this program expanded their knowledge and experience.
The Youth2Youth Impact Investing program is implemented by United Planet and is supported by the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative (JCSVEI). JCSVEI is a U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs program administered by the Aspen Institute.