On December 8, 2024, in coordination with the Directorate General of Youth – Ministry of Culture and Youth in the Kurdistan Region, Peace and Freedom Organization organized a discussion session that brought together a group of young men and women from Erbil Governorate.
The session aimed to highlight the vital role of youth in building peace and enhancing security, as well as the importance of empowering them and activating their leadership roles in various fields.
During the session, participants were consulted on the importance of activating Security Council Resolution 2250 in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, which emphasizes the positive role of youth in achieving change and advancing communities.
This activity is part of the ongoing efforts of the Peace and Freedom Organization, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to promote the youth, peace, and security agenda and to activate Resolution 2250 at both local and national levels.
This activity comes within the activities of launching the project “Promoting Youth Engagement in Peace Building and Security” which is implemented by Peace and Freedom Organization in partnership with the Norwegian People’s Aid and with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.